Mapping Data Indicators to Specific Initiatives

Thursday, April 25 at 1:00pm ET

We all collect data - for NSC, for Frontier Set, for internal and external reporting systems - but how can we use it to generate impactful solutions? Data is no longer the purview of a select few. IR and IT staff join with student success practitioners, budget planners, and senior level officials to set priorities and propose initiatives to move the dial on specific performance indicators. How can the close tracking of data enable you to be proactive, rather than reactive, in your work to improve student attainment?

Hear from Frontier Set colleagues at Northern Arizona University and Delaware State University about how they have mapped their data to student success solutions and initiatives, often for specific sub-populations of students. How does one set a hypothesis and action plan from data? And what kind of activities will generate the most dramatic changes in the metrics? Questions and challenges abound... join us to learn more and share your experience.