This dataset is shared for academic or other non-proprietary research purposes only.
Users may circulate findings in reports, publications, and online but must agree not to share raw data with third parties by any means (via email, website, publications, etc.). Third parties wishing to access this data must complete a separate request form.
Users are responsible for protecting and respecting the confidentiality and privacy of NSF I-Corps™ program participants. This includes using best practices for the protection and storage of files. If users are able to identify an individual, team, organization, etc., they may not share this information with third parties. Identifiable data should be reported to VentureWell immediately.
Any publication or findings based on this dataset must reference VentureWell as the original source. The correct citation in APA format is:
VentureWell. (2025). Participant Data from the NSF I-Corps™ National Program (Release 5.0) [data file and codebook]. Hadley, MA: VentureWell, 2025-02-11.
Any findings drawn from this dataset are attributed only to the analyst, not to VentureWell or the National Science Foundation.
This agreement extends to yourself and any co-researchers with access to this dataset.